195th Anniversary Dutch Treat Collection

How I Caught the Pride Bug:

If you ever wondered what it’s like to work for Breck’s, I can tell you that this is quite a year to do it. Dutch candy has been passed out multiple times, I’ve written a lot of copy that speaks to our Dutch heritage and I—the lowly intern—have been introduced to people from the Dutch offices. . The fact that we actually have offices in Holland has always been a big source of confidence for us, but there has been an extra dose of enthusiasm for our heritage the air. Why is there so much pride and free candy everywhere? Well I found out that it’s the Breck’s 195th anniversary. 195 years, can you believe it? That’s a long time! To put that into perspective, 195 years ago is also when Silent Night was composed and Illinois became the 21st American State!

When I was really felt the atmosphere was reading an email one of my bosses sent me. It was a picture of a sign at one of our Holland grower’s places reading “Bezoekers,” which is Dutch for “visitors.” Apparently, the Breck’s fields are full of them (visitors, I mean). When she gave me the picture, my boss talked about Breck’s year-round staff of bulb experts at the Holland branch, devoted to visiting each test plot and seeking out the highest quality bulbs to ship to America. The tone of excitement in her message was the same I’ve been seeing all around the office.  Everyone has been boasting particularly that those 195 years are thanks to generations of experts visiting, studying and improving on Dutch bulbs. We’re talking years upon years of bezoekers scouring the fields for better plants.  See? There I go, boasting. It’s infectious.

How You Can Catch the Pride Bug Too:

Here’s a sneak peek at something they’ve had me working on for the 195th anniversary, incase you feel like celebrating as much as my coworkers do. First off, our regular Dutch Treat Collection is a box set of 100 bulbs with eight much loved varieties, paired for an array of colour that’s ideal for starting a garden or gifting to a friend. Also, each variety’s different blooming habits were considered so you’ll have fresh blooms for months on end.

The 195th anniversary collection is the same stunning Dutch Treat Collection with 95 extra bulbs (to bring the total count up to 195—with one for each year they’ve had in business) for $15 more than their 100 bulb collection. This is my favourite, partially because it’s really a great price for high quality bulbs, but more because it’ll give your garden such a gorgeous look, bursting with life and colour, you’ll feel just as much pride in your garden as we’re feeling  in our offices… like I said, it’s infectious!

Something in your Breck’s garden made you particularly proud? Thought of other interesting things that happened in 1818? Great reactions from your garden’s “bezoekers”? Comment below and let me know!

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